Objective To investigate the composition and distribution of fiber types of SD rat trapezius muscle and evaluate the muscle function. 目的探讨大鼠斜方肌的肌纤维型组成和分布,借以了解该肌功能。
The trapezius muscle can help carry out several different movements. 斜方肌能协助进行几种不同的运动。
The lower part of trapezius muscle was supplied by accessory nerve. 斜方肌下部受副神经支配。
Treatment of scar contracture abnormality on the neck of the children with huge trapezius muscle flap expanded 应用巨型扩张的斜方肌肌皮瓣修复儿童颈部重度瘢痕挛缩畸形
Methods: The pathway and position of greater occipital nerve, the position of the arteria and vein through trapezius muscle tendon, deep fascia and predilection site of compression were observed and measured on 20 specimens of adult corpse. 方法在20侧成人尸体头颈标本上,对枕大神经的行径、动静脉穿斜方肌腱膜的部位、深筋膜以及易发生卡压的部位进行了解剖观察和测量。
Methods: The blood vessels, the size of the superior trapezius muscle and the spina scapulae were dissected and examined in 32 adult corpses. 方法:解剖观测32侧斜方肌上部、肩胛冈的形态、血供。
Objective To introduce a new approach of neurotization to treatment of the shoulder syndrome after the radical neck dissection by using transpositional anastomosis of C_7 posterior root and the spinal accessory nerve to reconstruct the function of trapezius muscle. 目的探讨一种根治性颈淋巴清扫术(radicalneckdissection,RND)中采用神经移位吻合改善术后肩功能的方法。
Conclusion Transpositional anastomosis the C7 posterior root to the spinal accessory nerve after radical neck dissection can well reconstruct the function of trapezius muscle. 结论根治性颈淋巴清扫术术中采用C7神经根后股一副神经移位吻合这一新方法能较好地重建斜方肌功能。
Results: The spine scapular branch and trapezius muscle branch are two main branches of the superficial branch of the transverse carvial artery. 结果:颈横动脉浅支主要分支有肩胛冈支和斜方肌支。
Lateral myocutaneous flap of trapezius muscle 外侧斜方肌皮瓣
Conclusions: Spine scapula flap transposition with trapezius muscle branch and spine scapula branch is an ideal surgical method in occipito cervical fusion. 结论:在颈横动脉肩胛冈支和斜方肌支分支前结扎动脉干,可以斜方肌支&肩胛冈支为蒂设计肩胛冈骨瓣转位行枕颈融合的术式。
Objective Through Occipital bone-sigmoid sinus into the microscope anatomy of the road an Occipital bone area tumor, combine the superficial fascia first step study locate the area of trapezius with take the afferent muscle petal transfers the possibility that rebuild the cerebral dura mater. 目的:经枕下-乙状窦后入路行枕骨区肿瘤的显微解剖,并初步探讨位于斜方肌区的浅筋膜和带血管蒂肌瓣转移重建硬脑膜的可行性。
On Morphologic Analysis of Trapezius and Strength Practice of Muscle 斜方肌的形态学分析及其肌力练习
The main nutrient artery of the trapezius muscle is the transverse cervical artery. Its trunk is 41.03 mm in length, and 2.31 mm in outer diameter on the average. 斜方肌的主要营养动脉是颈横动脉,其干的平均长度为41.03毫米,平均外径为2.31毫米。
Metheds: 18 patients with malignant tumor had defect on the skull base. The defect and the soft tissue were reconstructed through the island musculocutaneous flap of the lower trapezius, the temporalis muscle compound flap, and the pectoralis major myocutaneous and temporalis musculoosseous flap. 方法:在术中应用了斜方肌下部岛状肌皮瓣,胸大肌下部岛状肌皮瓣,颞肌复合组织瓣等各种修复方法分别对18例患者进行了一期修复。
An Anatomical Study on Innervation of Trapezius Muscle 斜方肌神经支配的解剖学研究
Results: The lower part of trapezius muscle is 24.7 ± 2.7 cm long, 9.8 ± 1.3 cm wide and 0.4 ± 0.1 cm thick. 结果:①斜方肌下部肌质部分长24.7±2.7cm、宽9.8±1.3cm、厚0.4±0.1cm。
There was 2 to 3 cm of the accessory nerve paralleled to the anterior boeder of the trapezius muscle before it entered the muscle in 70% ( 23/ 33). 副神经在耳大神经出胸锁乳突肌后缘中点上方2cm范围内出该肌;70%(23/33)副神经在进入斜方肌前约2~3cm基本与该肌前缘平行下行后进入该肌;
Trapezius muscle blood supply has three sources, including: ⑴ comes from thyroid neck-shaft issued by the branch of internal carotid artery. 斜方肌的血供来源有三,包括:⑴自甲状腺颈干发出的颈浅动脉分支。
Above the1/ 3of the clavicle, at the exterior edge of the trapezius muscle, the transverse cervical artery diverged out the deep branch and the superficial branch. 在锁骨中1/3上方,在斜方肌前缘2-3cm处,颈横动脉分为深支和浅支。
From the perspective of the consistency, anterior bundle of deltoid and trapezius muscle are the main muscles influence the consistency of gun. 从被试运动员射击时持枪臂的一致性分析来看,斜方肌和三角肌前束是影响枪与枪一致性的主要肌肉。
This acupuncture method research not only effect on the interscapular region significantly, and the effect of the trapezius muscle of neck and shoulder joint pain and neck shoulder back sink stiff also obviously, but the effect is not satisfying for upper limb pain. 本课题研究的刺法不仅对肩胛骨内侧缘的疼痛疗效显著,而且斜方肌颈肩结合部疼痛和颈项肩背部沉僵的疗效也明显,但是对上肢疼痛疗效不满意。
Refer to the strength, the gluteus maximus, the upper trapezius and anterior deltoid muscle were more powerful. 从肌力上看,臀大肌、斜方肌上部、三角肌前部的肌力较大。
Supraclavicular artery also has branches into the trapezius muscle in the way. 锁骨上动脉在行进途中还发出分支进入斜方肌内。
Participants were struck flat golf, lob, kill the ball, measured in muscles, eight biceps and triceps, trapezius muscle, deltoid muscle and the pieces of integral muscle electricity, muscle of average muscle power value, muscle, the most obvious contribution numerical. 受试者在击打平高球、吊球、杀球时,所测八块肌肉中,肱二头肌、肱三头肌、斜方肌、三角肌这四块肌肉的积分肌电、平均肌电值、肌肉贡献率数值最明显。